
Showing posts from July, 2018

Surface-Changed Carbons as Platinum Catalyst Support for PEM Energy Components

 Surface-Changed Carbons as Platinum Catalyst Support for PEM Energy Components Proton exchange membrane (PEM) power devices are electrochemical gadgets which straightforwardly change over concoction vitality into electrical vitality. Various focal points over customary vitality sources, for example, a high vitality change productivity and power yield, effortlessness of configuration, low commotion and for all intents and purposes no ecological contamination at the purpose of task make energy units a developing innovation for both stationary and versatile power applications. The electrochemical responses that drive a PEM power device are altogether quickened by the nearness of an electrocatalyst, particularly the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) happening at the cell cathode. Among the assortment of valuable metals and their combinations that have been utilized as electrocatalysts in PEM power devices, platinum has been appeared to have the most noteworthy reactant action for ox